Owen A. (1995). Creative dance, dance therapy and total health. Queensland Community Arts Network, edition 2, Brisbane.

Owen A. (1997). Using Laban Movement Analysis to devise creative dance programmes for children with autism. Dance Therapy Association of Australia Conference, November.

Owen A. (1998). Introducing dance (ages 11-13): A case study of a nine week creative dance class at Woody Point Special School. In Everyone Can Dance.  Education Queensland: Brisbane.

Owen, A. (1999). Using Laban Movement Analysis to assess progress in Dance Therapy Dance Therapy Collections 2. Melbourne: Dance Therapy Association of Australia.

Owen A. (2000). Journey to the Well. Workshop for the Dance Therapy Association of Australia conference. Melbourne, February.

Owen A. (2002). The older dancing community: Approaches to continuing or initiating opportunities for creative dance activity for older people. Workshop/Presentation at Dance In the Landscape: Second National Forum for Community Dance. Brisbane, August.

Owen A. & Edwards C. (2004).  Struggling to create, struggling to communicate. Co-Presentation at The Art Therapy conference, Brisbane.

Owen, A. (2005). Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis as a tool for understanding people with autism. Workshop for Community Connections, Townsville, February.

Owen, A. & The Facilitated Communication users group called Brotherhood of the Wordless. (2005). Tapping on the heart of the World. Brisbane: Joan’s Desk.

Owen, A. & The Facilitated Communication users group called Brotherhood of the Wordless. (2005). Brotherhood of the Wordless DVD. Brisbane: Joan Beddoe.

Owen, A. Mullins A. Kneen K. & The Facilitated Communication users group called Brotherhood of the Wordless. (2006). Waiting to Write DVD. Brisbane: Arts Qld

Owen, A.  Can Dance Therapy assist a person to manage their autism – a collaboration. Dance Therapy Conference, Melbourne, November 2007. Published in Moving On DTAA.2009

Russell M. & Owen, A. (in progress). Dancing Towards freedom. This book applies action research principles and uses individual dance therapy with a young man with autism who is himself a published author, to co-author a book on his experiences.